at least on cash.....

Since my last post on Saturday I've played pretty well, logging 3k hands with an EV of +£230. Does that reflect on my bank balance? Hell no! Take that bitch - another £100 lost, £300 behind EV. As the abovce graph now shows, this is the worst run of lucj I think I've ever had. In 12k hands I 'should' be £420 in profit, instead I'm in a hole for £800. £1.2k in lost EV, and as I'm now playing NL50 and NL100 dollar mostly that's some fucking going.
Only positive I can take is that my game is still holding together - just. I managed to win a freeroll last night of 180 runners on Players Only network for $600, despite losing AK vs AT, AJ vs 44, K9 vs 44, AJ vs A4 and a few other shitty ones. I got lucky shoving on first level with a flush draw + overs to try and build some chips, and once with A9s vs AA when he had just more than a big blind left and I was chip stacked shoving monster, but other than that I basically dominated the (weak) field without any luck. Maybe I should switch to multis when I get back from holiday. On second thoughts maybe not - I hate them more than Arsenal football club. Less than I hate Sol Campbell of course, but that's another discussion....
Anyway, off or lunch and second half of North Korea Portugal game. Hoping for some improved fortunes on the poker table when I return, but not holding my breath :-(